Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sexy ladies and ugly monsters...

My current and actually first series of paintings that im working on are "Play on words" and "Sexy ladies and ugly monsters" In previous blogs i've posted images of the works i've done for the "Play on words" series (still a working title), but the one posted today is the first of my "sexy ladies and ugly monsters" series. Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This one's for Kim...

A new vision...

I been busy working on a bunch of new paintings. My mind is more free, stress free, and more open to trying new things. Thanks to my very imaginative friend Donny, my mind has started running with free with word play. Here's the first two paintings in a series of who knows how many. The first one is titled "Tighten up your mask, Love is in the air." the second painting is titled " If your body is a temple then I am a sinner that needs to be saved, with that being said, can I come inside?" I have more work ahead of me, and i'm hoping to knock out a few more before the end of this week.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Lake Shasta

My feet are off the ground, i'm in mid air, free of all restraints, free of any attachment to Earth or anything on it, i hit the water and find total peace and silence in the dark murky world that fish call home. Like a blind man, i reach out in front of me to find my way. With every stroke I climb out of the peaceful silence; reality strikes. God i miss the sky

I spent the weekend of Labor Day with some close friends, a house boat, speed boat, jet skies, enough food to feed a small village, enough booze to drown a fighting irish, and the trees faded from green to black.

We spent days under the sun. Jumping off the roof of our house boat. Other days were spent hauling ass on the jet skies or tugging eachother along on tubes.

It was one of the best times of my life.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ant's Mind and Body in Oakland

I recently helped out a few of my friends with a project that they were working on. The project: Help Ant start up a youth athlete development gym.

Check them out at: antsmindandbody.com
Big ups to my boy Jay for the pics.

They contacted me to help design the interior walls, and this is what we ended up with.
I will be aquiring photos soon from PHO Mi Vietnamese Noodle House in Dublin, CA for a bamboo wrap-around mural that was completed a few months back.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Riding with some down ass friends through the city is one of the best feelings ever. Feeling the cold breeze on your skin, the exhaust fumes in your lungs, and the fresh taste of an MGD 40 in your mouth, its a feeling you can't beat. NO COAST all day!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

SF Freaks!

Yesterday Liam and I took off on BART to go ride the fixies through San Francisco. We arrived a little after noon and grabbed some Subway and then hit up about 5 liqour stores because not one of them carried tall cans of Tecate.
Finally we get our tall cans, so we head over to Hubba's Hideout, a notorious old school skate spot, we sat and ate lunch while we watched this very professionally dressed woman roll a fat ass blunt. She was real professional about it too, hence the suit, she packed it, rolled it, sealed it, and burnt it. Then she pulled a softball out of her purse and began passing it between her hands and then bouncing it off the little wall that was in front of her. She must have been practicing her hand-eye coordination before heading back to the office. Nothing wrong with trees, but just a strange sight to see this woman very nicely dressed sitting on the bare pavement bouncing a softball back and forth off a wall. This was to be the first SF Freak encounter of the day, a day we'll never forget...hahaha i've always wanted to say that.
After the Hideout we rode along the piers, swierving in and out of cars and pedestrians. When we get close to Fisherman's Wharf this older dude on a mountain bike that we passed by, catches up to me, and is riding on my right side extremly close. We i asked him to back off a give me some room, because there was alot of traffic and you gotta have room to move around. We were on a two lane road, headed towards the beach area and we were coming up to a tour bus in the left lane and a taxi in the right lane. Liam breaks left and goes around the cars, i try to go right, around the taxi, but the mountain biking douche bag is still trying to smell what deoderant im wearing. I tell him to back off so i can squeeze in between the curb and the taxi, but he doesn't. I speed up to pass him, and this idiot stands up on his bike and hauls ass to keep up with me. "Fuck it, i'm not crashing into a taxi" i cut that idiot off and he hits the curb. I catch up to Liam and we look back and the dude on the mountain bike is coming up hella close. He stops right next to me "Watch who the fuck you cut off!!" So i raise my voice "Youre a complete idiot, you were on my ass the whole time! I TOLD YOU TO BACK THE FUCK UP YOU IDIOT!!" Then i threw my back towards him and lunged...i swear to "G" There are some freakin' crazies in SF.
Last but certainly not least. The crem-de-la-crem. This is one of the weirdest situations ever. Me and Liam both were very uneasy about this next guy, and we honestly thought we were about to get stabbed, or shot, one way or another we thought we were gonna die.
We got to a little Irish Pub/Curry House on Columbus and Chestnut called "Kennedy's" we got a couple beers and reminesed on the crazies we had encountered that day. Next thing you know, this guy comes right off the street yelling, "Hurry up, hurry up! Show me whatchu workin' wit!!" He was yelling at a group of women on the corner. Keep in mind that Liam and I are out on the back patio area BY OURSELVES!! So this guy comes up and asks for a light, Liam gives him his lighter. They guy says thanks and starts walking away....with Liam's lighter. "Hey bro. His lighter." The guy turns around hella mad and says "Fucking smartass." Liam laughed and the guy looked at me and said "At least your friends laughing." Liam and i looked at eachother like, WTF is this guys deal? Then he asked our names. Asked if we wanted some trees. Then proceeded to ask us for cell phones, which "we didnt have". He asked us each to remember a portion of his phone number so we could call him for some herb, then gave his address. He turned away and started walking away again, then he turned and pointed at Liam "Are you trying to ste me up?!" "Stand up and be a man, Liam!" At this point me and Liam both were reaching for our bike locks cuz this guy was definatly unstable. "You need to tell your boy to wake the fuck up!" he shouted to Liam. "Alright you guys, have a good one, i'll buy you beers next time we hangout. And don't trust anyone that doesn't follow the word." Then he left. SUPER UNSTABLE BIPOLAR CRACKHEADED SF FREAK!!
Liam and I just hopped back inside and decided we'd had enough to drink and enough crazies for one day.

'Till next time.
Love, Peace, and Chikn Grease


Hey everyone! Here's another painting video.

Check it out. I do take painting requests and im always up for a collaboration.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lady Gaga Painting Vid!!

Sorry, i haven't been on in a while, it's not like anyone actually follows or reads this, but for my own sake...

I recently did a black and white acrylic painting of the ever so lovely, Lady Gaga, who i never really was interested in until Jenny bought the cd.

Please go to youtube.com and peep the vid. If you have a youtube account, leave me a comment, those are always nice.

Search under: "Lady Gaga Painting" its like the third to fifth video down. Im wearing a blue hat.

Once again, Love, Peace and Chikn Grease.

Thanks for the support!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

"It's Britney Bitch!"-gay man on bart

A few weeks back i was in SF riding my fixie with Ryan. It was getting late, so i rode my little drunk ass to the nearest BART station.
I got on the last train to the Del Norte station by the skin on my teeth and when i got on, i looked around and it was just me, my bike, and a little old asian man sleeping on the opposite side of the train car.
It was a smooth ride........until, we pulled up to the damn Coliseium.
The flippin' Britney Spears concert had just gotten out and there was an ocean of teeny bopper teens, moms, and queens flooding the station.
Then my biggest fear came true.........
The doors opened!! People rushed through the doors like water breaking through a dam. People were tripping and trampling over eachother to make the last BART train. A handful of people tripped over my tires and then,.... and then,.... and then......i felt someone brush up behind me. This dude and his dude were pinned between the train doors and my back, sort of an awkward train ride.
I did the best i could and managed to let people know that i would soon be departing the train and would need their cooperation to make way for my bike. I talked to the two guys that were increasingly close to my back and asked them about the show. The queen of the two was in front of his dude being held from behind and he replied, "The Pussycat Dolls were amaaaaaazing! and Britney was incredible, she is making a MAJOR comback!!" I just knodded my head and agreed.
*DiNG* (the doors open)
"Excuse me"
People were hella rude and would not budge so i had to raise my voice and use more dominant vernacular.
Then the most frustrating BART ride flipped a complete 180 and got hilarious.
The dude behind me put his hands on my shoulders, which worried me at first, but then a shriek i would only hear out of one of the little girls at my moms daycare bellowed out from his mouth, "Move out the way bitches! He's on a bike!!" So, i went with it.
I was running through people like a bowling ball striking through a set of pins.
One guy ended up falling out of the train and landing flat on his ass. I thanked the fairy dude for the assisstance.
and then i heard it....
With his head and half his body outside the train doors.
He said it with such accomplishment, as to tell everyone that nobody could mess with him.
Funniest BART ride ever.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So, im back at el trabajo....what a weekend!
Had some good times with friends. Friday was a chill night, went out to Oakland for some bar hoping action with a few friends.
Saturday woke up at the butt crack of dawn to go to work then headed out to Vallejo to my boy Isaias' graduation bbq. This foolio had some local dudes from a bomb ass taqueria bring their little grill and throw down some gnarly tacos! Nothing beats good times with friends, free beer, and all you can eat made-to-order tacos. After the grubfest I shot over to San Francisco for my boy Dom's birthday party and to meet up with everyone's friendly neighborhood asian, Ryan. All in all a great night, drinks were poured, birthday songs were sang, and rugs were cut.
Sunday was probably one of the best days of the weekend. My little brother, Kokie, and I hitched a ride on BART and swung by 12th Street station to pick up Liam, Steve, and Erwin. We jumped off at 24th St & Mission to catch the midsection of the Carnaval Parade. It was super packed and after seeing the first batch of dancer, we were all on the verge of throwing up. It was definatly not the Carnaval experience i was hoping to have, it was nothing like what you see on t.v. So we all decided to skip out on this magnificent display of grossness and begin our hunt for a bike pump.
The bike pump was like looking for a needle in a hay stack, we went to about 3 or 4 different bike shops looking for a special pump for our fixies and everyone was closed. Steve hopped on his iPhone and found one that was opened but it was due to close in about 40 minutes. We were over on 21st and had to make it 9 blocks through traffic and all the craziness of carnaval. We made it! Pumped up the tires, and grabbed some brews. All in all a great day!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Day One: Cinco-25-Deuce Double O Nueve

Soooooooo, im trying to figure out how all this stuff works, so bear with me.
This has been an eventful weekend. Parties, BBQ's, Graduations, Clubs, Bars, and Bikes. I finally had some time to settle down and relax today so i finished up a painting i had been working on and began work on a new piece for my friend Julie.
I dont really know what to write anymore, so i'll call it a day for now.
Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease!